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Saturday, May 13, 2023



This is going to be both an introductory post and the first render (above). I'll talk about the render first.

About the Render

So, I had failed before because I just couldn't understand, but I've recently got back into learning POV-Ray. I followed a tutorial to make a basic scene, and I decided to learn the rest on my own. This scene was very different at its beginning in which it had the POV-Ray clouds that are gone because they look like garbage, a darker sky, and an entirely different camera angle. Nonetheless, after all the major changes, I finally settled with something I actually liked. In case you wonder what all of this means, I experimented to make my first original scene.

What's MINDer?

MINDer is basically the name of what's going to be where I post these. I'm wondering at the moment of what I'll make in the future as I don't believe I can do just these basic shapes forever, but I'm still new to POV-Ray and I'll need to find out what the simplest way for me is to get custom models and such into POV-Ray. Anyway, That's all for this post.

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